Life, lately | Truthy Tuesday... on a Thursday

It has taken me WEEKS to get this blog written and shared.

I’d jot down thoughts here and there, but getting them together in a cohesive format felt impossible!

A couple weeks ago, I sat down to try again with no distractions (okay there were a few lol). And while it still wasn’t easy, at least I got SOMETHING down. Then it sat for 2 weeks 🥴

Sharing that snippet to let you know how hard productivity (outside of direct client work) has felt lately...

My winter break ended just before the close of Q1 and I gotta be honest, I was not ready to get back in the swing of things. But honestly though, who really wants to go back to work after a break? 

This year (for what feels like the first time) I didn’t completely waste my time off. I’d been working on a few things and just needed a bit more time to gain my footing before things got rolling again. That didn’t happen. 

But that’s life, right? 

How often do you have the opportunity to get things JUST SO with zero distractions or life interruptions? If your answer to this is “well, actually… I can do that quite often”, good for you! The rest of us don’t know what that’s like lol.

Because I have a tendency to want to do the most, one of the (multi-part) things I’d been working on was making a greater effort to incorporate simple healthy habits into my daily life. Literally the basics- drinking more water, moving my body, eating more veggies and protein, less screen time, getting better sleep… you know, the things we don’t think about until we feel like trash 😓

Initially it felt a little too simple, but I stuck with it. And while I didn’t make much progress on outward facing projects like I wanted, I was SO proud of the personal progress I was making! I actually felt better and it was so nice to see how those small adjustments were making a difference.

Then… life.

I got thrown off and it has been such a struggle getting back on track. The silver lining here is that at least I don’t feel like I’m just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. I know what worked before and it’s just a matter of getting back in rhythm!

So that’s kind of where I am now. I haven’t been showing up much online because I really want to get back to how I was operating at the start of the year. Hopefully I can achieve a tad more balance and share more with you soon.

To switch gears a bit, I do want to share a couple things that have been really helpful to me lately. Maybe you may find one of them helpful as well 🧡


  1. As most of us know, health care in this country can be a real hassle to navigate at times… One thing I found immediately helpful earlier this year was LabCorp On Demand.

    Instead of waiting for a doctor to schedule your bloodwork or specialty test and explain the results, you can order your own and get fast (mine came back in less than 24 hours!) easy to understand results. Because this service is for patients, you don’t receive a list of numbers that the doctor needs to explain to you- your test results are explained in layman’s terms with helpful graphics. I really love that part because clear understanding is so empowering and gives you more ownership of your health.

    In my case, I was able to gain a better understanding of some key numbers and start making changes to better my health almost immediately.

  2. BetterSleep has been the single most helpful app for me over the past few months. If you are like me and need white noise to fall asleep, this app is a game changer.

    We got white noise, green noise, brown noise, pink noise… rain, thunder, wind, trotting horses, city sounds, forest sounds, birds, frogs, cicadas, drums, bamboo chimes… you name it! I absolutely could have kept going but you get the point lol.

    In addition to an extensive sound library, there are also a host of musical options, stories, and guided meditations to help you sleep, relax, meditate, or focus.

    Oh! I almost forgot- my favorite feature is that you can layer sounds and create your own soundscape! I can’t say enough good things about BetterSleep. Definitely give it a try and see if it works for you!

I hope to get back to sharing more regularly, but life is so busy these days, I’m grateful to share what I can when I can 🥲 I would LOVE to hear from you if any of this resonated or was helpful 🧡

I hope you have a beautiful week!
