3 Reasons You Should Take Photos This Winter

Before the winter season officially begins this weekend, I want to show you something cool:

By the look of each photo, can you tell what season it was?

Some were taken in the spring & summer, a few the fall, and the rest? Winter! That’s the magic of *waves hands* indoor locations! A favorite of mine in the winter because I don’t like being cold lol

Although it’s not a season most associate with photo taking (spring and fall have that on lock), here are 3 reasons why you shouldn’t overlook taking photos this winter:

1. Winter photos ≠ cold photos

Take a look at the photos above. You couldn’t tell what season it was because no one looked cold! Unless my client specifies otherwise, I tend to gravitate to indoor locations during the winter months because nothing kills the picture taking mood faster than being cold.

This is often what keeps folks from even thinking about a winter session because the automatic thought is- I don’t want to take photos in the cold!

Fortunately living here in the DC area, even if you don’t want to take photos at your home, we have soo many beautiful indoor locations we can use for photos, and I make full use of them when the weather calls for extreme cold, precipitation, or high winds. I’m all about client comfort :)

Let’s dive into our second point- this is a big one.

2. There is never a wrong time of year for family photos

Fall is typically a very busy season. Between family responsibilities, work, spending time with friends, shopping, get togethers, wrapping things up for the year, planning for the next, and trying to find a few moments for yourself… the time slips by quickly, and you realize that you didn’t get a chance to take fall family photos!

But who said that fall is the only season you can take family photos?

I know folks like to send (and receive) cards from their loved ones this time of year, but think about it… when the month changes from December to January, does that mean that family photos don’t matter anymore? That no one wants to receive a card from you? Of course they still do!

That’s my point.

Sometimes we can limit ourselves thinking that if something doesn’t happen at a specific time, then it can’t happen anymore. I know I’m guilty of it, but when it comes down to it- there is never a wrong time of year for family photos, never a wrong time of year to send and receive greeting cards, and never a wrong time to let your people know how much you love them.

What’s the third reason? This one is geared a bit more towards business owners and professionals:

3. Start the year off with fresh photos

When was the last time you updated your headshots? Do you still look like the person in your LinkedIn photo? If not, what better time than the start of a new year as inspiration to update the photos you use to represent yourself?

Even if you have updated your photos semi-recently, I don’t know about you but I love how a fresh look can often inspire a fresh start!

This third reason is actually why I started offering the Mini Headshot Special a couple years ago and this February I’ll be offering it again for year 3! Details to come on that in the next week or so, but if you’re interested, save the date of February 22!

Still not sure? I actually just created a resource that can help reduce a bit of the anxiety associated with taking winter photos:

You can click the image or click here to download the lookbook!

I’m really excited to share this because so often there’s a very linear view when it comes to winter photos, but I created this resource to help you SEE the beauty that can be captured indoors.

Well that’s it for today! I hope this has helped to spark a new thought when it comes to winter photos, and I do hope to work with you this coming season!

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