Jendi | Washington, DC Creative Lifestyle Photographer

Happy Wednesday you guys! It feels like forever since I’ve shared a new session on the blog. It reeally hasn’t been that long… it just feels that way lol. Anyway I’m super excited to share this one :)

One of my wonderful makeup artists, Denyelle pitched the idea of doing a natural hair series a couple months ago and at the time I wasn’t 100% on the idea… not because it was a bad one, but because I kind of tried to do one a couple years ago and it fell by the wayside so I didn’t have high hopes lol… Well fast-forward to now and my beautiful friend Jendi so graciously agreed to participate and be the first in the series :) We had so much fun on her session, now I can’t wait to get more lined up lol. 

Since her braids are so cool, I definitely wanted this shoot to be a little more funky and full of color!

Here is the first of our Natural Hair Series (we’ll have to come up with a better name for it eventually lol)

Enjoy :)